Monday, September 17, 2012

The Important Things in Life

In the past few weeks we have been given the chance to really explore what Mother Nature has to offer us, and this has really let me think about some things.  Some questions and thoughts have been thrown at us during our stay here already, and I would like to share them with you.  During our first week here we were asked to define sustainability in our own terms.  It is very easy to look up a definition of the term and take other people’s words, but to truly define it in our own words takes a lot of thought, and I struggled a bit to put my thoughts into actual explanation.   After sitting down and thinking about it a bit this is what I have come up with:

To be sustainable is to be natural and earth-like.  To not negatively take away from what was or negatively add.  To allow the future to be just as beautiful and healthy if not more than it is today.  To take advantage of but not destroy, and to learn from but not overstep the beauty that the world has to offer and teach us.  TO stay in our proper place, and not act as an invasive species in a place we should not claim as our won.  We have been given a wondrous planet, and we should keep that wonder alive and growing.

 Also while on our backpacking trip there was something that Rosa, one of our guides, said to me that has really stuck with me.  She told me that it is the people from the city, not the people from the country land that become most connected and attached to nature because when they enter it they realize just how much they actually need it.  Nature is such an important part of living.  As humans we instinctually feel at home and protected in nature.  It is so important to grow up with nature and know what it feels like to experience and see the colors and feel the energy of land untouched by industry and human destruction.  It is important to feel one with Mother Nature and appreciate all she has to give us.  I think when you nourish the land and let it be your home it shows in who you are.  The Icelandic people are so full of life and energy just as the land that they live on is.  It is important to let nature become a part of us otherwise we will become too wrapped up in the little things and the corporate side of life instead of seeing the large astounding beauty that lies all around us.

Those are my thoughts on things at the moment.  Tomorrow we start in the workshops which will be very exciting!! I will write again soon!  Bless!

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