Thursday, September 6, 2012

Hello from Iceland!

We arrived this morning at 6:30am Iceland time (2:30am back home) to the most gorgeous country ever. The flight was 5 hours and I got some sleep, however today has been rough. When we got to the airport we had to wait to get our vans so I went to a cafe and ate some Icelandic yogurt with granola which was very tasty. Once we got our vans we piled all of our luggage into the back and started the drive to Solheimar!
Our vans look like cubes and its really cute.  Once we got our vans we piled all of our luggage into the back and started the drive to Solheimar!  It was about an hour and a half drive from the airport to Solheimar, and it was absolutely beautiful!
This is near Reykjavik.  It was so pretty to drive through the mountains!  The grass here is so green that it looks like a movie set and not real.  I still can't stop looking outside!
Luckily we arrived on a sunny day so everything was extra pretty!  Once we arrived in Solheimar we were given breakfast of yogurt, fruit, granola, juice, tomatoes, cucumbers, and cheese.  It was so good! We also got room assignments and got to look around our house area which is beautiful by the way! I am in the only triple room... its going to be a party!  Also the view out my window is mountains and some of the Solheimar village!  I can't believe I get to wake up to this every morning!!  We then got a tour of our classroom building:
It is called Sesseljuhús and is named after Sesselja (like Cecilia) who founded Solheimar.  It has a living roof and is a very environmentally unique building.  We also got a tour of the rest of the community and had the chance to meet a lot of the members of Solheimar.  Tomorrow we learn a little more about our classes which will be very exciting!  I will post more once more exciting things happen! Bless!

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